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Prof. Jiashing Yu

Tel: (02) 3366-9477 
Fax: (02) 2362-3040

Education and Experience

2003  National Taiwan University Chemical Engineering B.S.
2008  UC Berkeley and UC San Francisco Bioengineering Ph.D.
2010  UCSF Cardiovascular Research Institute and California Institute of Regenerative Medicine

         Post doc.

2010-2015  National Taiwan University Chemical Engineering Assistant Professor
2015-2019  National Taiwan University Chemical Engineering Associate Professor
2015-2020 National Taiwan University Molecular Imaging Center Supervisor

2019-now  National Taiwan University Chemical Engineering Professor

Awards and Honors

2012 Young Invetigator Award for International Symposium of Materials on Regenerative Medicine


2014 Young Investigator of Excellence for World Congress on Preventive & Regenerative Medicine


2016 National Taiwan University Outstanding Teaching Faculty Member Award

2017 Lectureship Award for Chemical Society of Japan

2017 Young Invetigator Award for International Symposium of Materials on Regenerative Medicine


2017 Project for Excellent Junior Research Investigators, Ministry of Science and Technology
2021 Golden Medal, International Innovation and Invention Competition (IIIC)

2021 Golden Medal, Green Idea Invention and Design Competition

2021 Exceptional Performance Award, National Taiwan University

2021 Outstanding Young Scholar Award, Biomaterials and Control Released Society in Taiwan (BCRs)

2022 Golden Medal, International Innovation and Invention Competition (IIIC)

2022 Exceptional Performance Award, National Taiwan University

2022 Academic Honorary Award (志聖傑出學者) , NTU College of Engineering

Research Interest


  • 以頭髮角蛋白為基材之多功能生醫材料

  • 建立幹細胞球與交聯水凝膠系統之組織工程平台

  • 研發生醫用三維多孔洞水凝膠

  • 二維生物材料界面對細胞行為之調控

  • 多功能奈米粒子應用於生物醫學

  • 以空氣動力製造藻膠微球體在細胞包覆的應用

  • 生物性材料包覆藥物製成微奈米膠囊的釋放機制

Research Project, NSTC

  • 分子設計具清除ROS與促骨分化之3D列印生物墨水

​       2023/08/01~2025/07/31

  • 開發具微奈米溝槽、搭載奈米藥物之多功能水膠基底平台應用於視網膜組織工程 2023/08/01~2026/07/31

  • 四維尺度之生醫材料: 開發具導電性生醫水凝膠並結合藥物釋放與動態力學培養應用於仿生與組織工程

​        2022/08/01~2023/07/31

  • 開發含奈米釋藥載體與幹細胞球之多功能與多尺度水凝膠生物墨水


  • 開發多功能銅/鐵雙金屬粒子搭載葡萄糖氧化酶之雙重催化奈米反應器應用於乳癌治療 2020/08/01~2021/07/31

  • 研究開發高度生物相容及具備促進骨整合功能之人工髖關節裝置

​        2019/06/01~2020/05/31

  • 紫外光交聯之角蛋白/幾丁聚醣水凝膠結合人類脂肪幹細胞應用於傷口修復 2019/08/01~2020/10/31

  • 探討以微流體技術製備之明膠支架對心肌母細胞及脂肪幹細胞之分化影響


  • 具方向性之細胞衍生模板誘導人類脂肪幹細胞生成新生血管組織


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